At Your Virtual Mind Trainer, we know how important nature is to health and wellbeing, so we’re delighted that this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week puts the spotlight on ‘nature’.

Mental Health Awareness Week is an annual event that encourages everyone across the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, this year’s takes place from 10 to 16 May 2021.

In his explainer post, Mark Rowland, CEO of the Mental Health Foundation, explains why the UK charity also believes nature is so important and why it has chosen it as this year’s theme. 

“During long months of the pandemic, millions of us turned to nature. Wider studies found that during lockdowns, people not only spent more time in nature but were noticing it more,” writes Mark.

“Nature is our great untapped resource for a mentally healthy future. [During Mental Health Awareness Week] we will look at nature’s unique ability to not only bring consolation in times of stress, but also increase our creativity, empathy and a sense of wonder.”

Mental Health Awareness Week provides an opportunity for people to talk about all aspects of mental health, with a focus on providing help and advice.

YVMT’s Hilary McLellan will be hosting a 45-minute virtual workshop that will provide:

- research around why nature enhances our mood and energy

- some straightforward science to explain emotions.  

- an opportunity to explore your own emotions and what triggers them via a facilitated exercise

Having survived childhood trauma and a breakdown in 2003 Hilary discovered how nature could play a large and positive part in how she feels. 

She is also passionate about helping others find their best self and develop compassionate self-knowing to build coping strategies for the highs and lows that are inevitable in life.

To find out more about the workshop, get in touch with Hilary McLellan via email or connect on LinkedIn.

About the Author

Hilary McLellanHilary McLellan

Hilary is an Organisational Behaviourist, Team and Exec Coach, specialising in coaching and facilitating culture and behavioural change, organisational development, resilience and emotional intelligence.